Dernière mise à jour le 13/06/2024

Domaine : Sciences du vivant   -   Thématique(s) : Expérimentation animale et physiologie

Stages courts

Maintenance of skills for the use of live animals for scientific purposes #3: rodent breeding colony management

In addition to specific training, the use of live animals for scientific purposes requires a continuous training of 3 days every 6 years.
This training day validates one day of continuing education to be included in the skills booklet.

Dates : Lieu : Campus Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris (Jussieu) Tarif : 450 €
Modalité : Distanciel Présentiel


  • know how to choose an animal model the most suitable for the planned studies
  • know the rules of management of a rodent facility
  • be familiar with the requirements of the animal care program
  • be warned about transportation rules for animals used for scientific purposes



Technicians, engineers, researchers, teachers-researchers, doctoral students.


Basic knowledges in the use of live animals in scientific purposes  .


  • panel of the different organisms used in animal research
  • reasoned management of an animal facility :
  • parameters related to reproduction
  • environment-related parameters
  • importance of phenotyping and genotyping of transgenic lines
  • rules for developing an animal program in an animal facility
  • transportation of animals used for scientific purposes


  • Lectures.
  • Practical training.
  • Teaching materials, bibliography and documentation are given to the participants


Validation: Statement of accomplishment.


  • Teaching method adapted to acquire the strategic laws.
  • Instructors: Professor of Genetics and Researcher, experts in use of live animals for scientific purposes.

Pour candidater

Vous êtes une entreprise et souhaitez un accompagnement pour la construction de votre projet sur-mesure ou une proposition intra pour cette formation ?



Marie-Noëlle Fiamma

Voir le CV

Hélène Hardin-Pouzet

Voir le CV


Competency Development Action Category:

(Article L6313-1 of the Labour Code)
Training action

Dates : contact us

Number of participants: from  4 to 20.

Language:The course can be provided in english or french upon request.

Session Le 23/05/2025
