Actualité Faculté de sciences & ingénierie

Quantum Information 1.0

Publié le 17/12/2021 - Mis à jour le 17/12/2021

Quantum information is a rapidly growing field which promises incredible advantages across computation, communication and sensing.
In recent years there has been a surge in activities to make these ideas into technological realities, with applications in diverse areas from secure communication, to machine learning, material science, chemistry, medical imaging, gravitational accelerometers, clock synchronisation and more.
The aim of this training is to give the students an overview of this rapidly expanding field, what its contributions are likely to be for our information age, what are the challenges ahead, and make them capable of judging for themselves the interest of the field.
At the end of this 21-hour training course, which is available in French or English, you will be able to answer the following questions:
– What is quantum information?
– How is it different from ‘classical’ / conventional information?
– How might it change the world?
– What is the state if the art and the main challenges?
Pierre and Marie Curie Campus – Paris (Jussieu)
For more information : Introduction to the quantum future: Quantum Information 1.0

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