
Le Pr Youri Yordanov est professeur de médecine d’urgence à la Faculté de Santé Sorbonne Université et praticien hospitalier à l’hôpital St Antoine.

  • Fonctions actuelles :
  • Chercheur à l’Institut Pierre Louise de Santé Publique – INSERM UMRS 1136
  • Service d’accueil des urgences, hôpital St Antoine Paris
  • Coordonnateur médical de la Fédération des Urgences adultes bi-sites Saint-Antoine/Tenon, rattachée au DMU DEMIURG
  • Chair du comité scientifique de la European Society Of Emergency Medicine


  1. Yordanov, Y ; Dinh, A ; Bleibtreu, A ; Mensch, A ; Lescure, FX ; Debuc, E & al ,
    Clinical characteristics and factors associated with hospital admission or death in 43 103 adult outpatients with coronavirus disease 2019 managed with the Covidom telesurveillance solution: a prospective cohort study., Clin Microbiol Infect, 2021, 27, 1158-1166
  2. Yordanov, Y; Dechartres, A ; Lescure, X ; Apra, C ; Villie, P ; Marchand-Arvier, J ; Debuc, E ; Dinh, A; Jourdain, P ;
    AP-HP/Universities/Inserm COVID-19 Research Collaboration Covidom, a telesurveillance solution for home monitoring of patients with Covid-19., J Med Internet Res, 2020
  3. Martin-Blondel G, Marcelin AG, Soulié C, Kaisaridi S …. Carrat F, Yordanov , Y on behalf of the COCOPREV Study Group,
    Outcome of very high-risk patients treated by Sotrovimab for mild-to-moderate COVID-19 Omicron, a prospective cohort study (the ANRS 0003S CoCoPrev study)., J. Infect. 2022
  4. Naouri, D; Ranchon, G; Vuagnat, A; Schmidt, J; El Khoury, C ; Yordanov, Y
    Factors associated with inappropriate use of emergency departments: findings from a cross-sectional national study in France., BMJ Qual Saf, 2020, 29, 449–464
  5. Yordanov, Y; Dechartres, A; Porcher, R; Boutron, I ; Altman, DG; Ravaud, P,
    Avoidable waste of research related to inadequate methods in clinical trials., BMJ, 2015, 350, h809