Le Pr Marc Verny, neurologue et gériatre, est professeur des universités (PU) à la Faculté de Santé Sorbonne Université, praticien hospitalier (PH) et chef de service du Centre de gériatrie de l’Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière. Par ailleurs, il exerce son activité de recherche dans l’unité CNRS UMR 8256 B2A « Biological Adaptation and Aging Team Neuronal Cell Biology & Pathology ».
- Genet B, Lamy T, Cohen-Bittan J, Glasman P, Verny M, Riou B, Boddaert J, Zerah L.
Lack of Association Between Perioperative Medication and Postoperative Delirium in Hip Fracture Patients in an Orthogeriatric Care Pathway. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2021 - Potier L, Magny E, Zerah L, Cohen-Bittan J, Verny M, Boddaert J, Baqué M.
Approche pragmatique du risque iatrogène aux urgences [A pragmatic approach to iatrogenic risk in the emergency room]. Soins Gerontol. 2021 (151):14-18. - Thietart S, Baque M, Cohen-Bittan J, Raux M, Riou B, Khiami F, Meziere A, Verny M, Vallet H, Zerah L, Boddaert J, Villain C.
Short-term administration ofnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in older patients with hip fracture: Acohort study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2021 - Verny, M ; Duyckaerts, C ,
Cognitive deficit, and neuropathological correlates, in the oldest-old., Rev Neurol (Paris), 2020, 176, 670-676 - Verny, M ; Krolak Salmon, P ; Blanc, F ,
What is neurogeriatrics?, Rev Neurol (Paris), 2020, 176, 639-641 - Viodé, A ; Epelbaum, S ; Benyounes, I ; Verny, M ; Dubois, B ; Junot, C & al ,
Simultaneous quantification of tau and alpha-synuclein in cerebrospinal fluid by high-resolution mass spectrometry for differentiation of Lewy Body Dementia from Alzheimer »s Disease and controls., Analyst, 2019, 144, 6342-6351